"Bird Island".
What comes to mind when you hear that name? Does it cause your mind to wonder? Do you picture something like this?

Deserted. Beautiful. Amazing.
This was where we spent one of our days in Florida. It took a bit of work to get there though. The boat needed to be taken to the water a day in advance. The boys took on this job.

Part of the fun was being able to drive the boat. They very graciously allowed all of our boys to have a try at driving it.
The beautiful day gave way to an amazing sunset.

The next morning we headed out, in shifts, to make our way to the island.

Still wondering about where we went? An uninhabited island in Nassau Sound that is a sanctuary for a variety of birds.
It was beautiful.
There was very little vegetation. Some sea grasses on the few sand dunes. Lots of low water in the center of the island that was like one giant tide pool (the Eastern Coast variety).
It was a great place to play games. Frisbee. And spikeball. Did I mention how easy this is to set up and it all goes into a small bag?
It was a great place to walk and look for shells. Just look at the shells!
Isaiah showing his collection.
Plus this shell from a horseshoe crab.
I like this shot with the bird nearby.
The island was small and you could easily walk the entire thing. I love this photo. Don't you just want to go?
While I was walking the island I watched my sons. (This photo reminded me a lot of one that I posted yesterday of Rebecca and Eliana.) Isaiah following in Christopher's footsteps. I'm thankful for the example that Christopher is to his brothers!
Magnificent bird. Almost seemed to be posing for my picture! (Is this a Heron? Anyone know?)
And shells. Laying in the sand undisturbed. I love that we were able to find whole ones. That just doesn't happen on the beaches that we frequent. I remember visiting a private island as a child and finding lots of sand dollars. I'm glad my children have this memory now too.
We took a ride around the sound and toward the ocean.
Everyone enjoyed riding in the boat.
The mast of a sunken boat on a nearby island.
The only downside was hitting a spot where the sand was high or maybe the water was low. The guys did a great job getting us out!
After a lovely day, it was finally time to leave. Thankful for pictures and memories of this special day with family and friends.