It was a blessing to talk with Andrea - just briefly - and hear words that were an encouragement to my heart. This is an amazing woman! She has a son with Down syndrome and God placed on her heart a burden for orphans with Ds. She started a ministry that has to date blessed hundreds of families and children! If you have never been to this site, please take a few minutes to go there. It will bless you!
We spent time handing out flyers and telling people about the ministry. Rebecca, Isaiah and Eliana were wonderful helpers, walking around the event handing out flyers. If you would like more information on how you can get involved with Reece's Rainbow, please visit the website or feel free to ask and I'll help as best I can. There are so many beautiful children who need your help. Please consider it!
It was fun to meet Kristin, Nikki, Jenn and Kristen there too! People that I've known through emails or posts that I finally got to hug and get to know a little bit.
We ate lunch and then hung around. There were games to play and free ice cream. We all enjoyed that.
I think I can guess who enjoyed it the most though.
Little Miss Independent in search of her own fun. I'm so not used to a child that will just wander off as most of the rest of mine have been "leg-clingers". LOL
She does manage to find fun wherever she goes - and sometimes in the most unlikely of places.
Towards the end of the event, it was time for the walk. We were blessed to have our sweet friends join us again this year! It is a short walk around the park and as a whole it moves at a pretty leisurely pace.
Eliana had to be encouraged to walk.
She finally got tired of it all and just layed down on the walk.
We enticed her to go a little further as we knew she would love seeing this ...
She has always loved seeing herself on these signs.
I was excited to get a picture of all of the children!
The day was hot - and yet still a lot of fun! What a lot of work countless volunteers put in to make this event the wonderful one that it is! It was also fun to meet another local mom that recognized me from here. :-) (Please send me your blog link as I'd love to visit you too!!!) Eliana had a great time - and that is really what it is all about.
One last fun thing. You may remember me talking about a photo shoot that Eliana was a part of in June. Well, the calendar is out and Eliana is in it! I pre-ordered one and when I went to pick it up, the gal there said, "when you see it, you'll want more". She was right and we bought more for gifts. (If you think you might want one, let me know and I'll post info for you.) Here's a peek though at the month of August.
The calendar is beautiful. It can't help but be though with so many precious faces. If you would like one for yourself, you can get it here. It will be fun one to look at through the coming year. And to say good-bye, here is my sweet girl blowing you a kiss!