It hasn't been all work though. We have been attending the free movies as we could. What a real treat! I'm so thankful for this opportunity!
We went to a Lego event nearby with some friends. They had very large games that the kids could try out.
The die was enormous.
And lots of fun to toss.
The games are available at Target and other stores. I think we'll look into this for birthdays or Christmas. They had regular sized displays you could look at of the games.
The big game pieces were quite a hit though.
One game was a giant board that you actually got on to play.
Just a picture of our little cutie!
It was a little odd being on an outing with just my 4 youngest. It's been a long time since I had 4 that were 10 and under. My oldest kids were busy and so we just made some fun on our own!
Rebecca attended a drama camp again this summer. They audition for parts on Monday and go home with a script. By Friday night, they are putting on a performance! It is really amazing what they accomplish in a week. In this play, Rebecca played a "character". Her role was nutty, funny and off-beat - and she did a great job.
I think she had a lot of fun with it too!
This week, I've been writing to a friend in Eastern Europe. Two years ago, I began praying for this little girl.
I fell in love with her just by praying for her. (Can you imagine what God could do in our hearts if we prayed faithfully for each other?!) God called me to pray for this beautiful little girl and I have prayed for her and prayed for her. Well, this week, the family that is committed to her is in her country working on adopting her. They have run into some problems out of their control. Would you join me in praying for them that God would work out all of the details! I know He can do this and she deserves to be in a family!
One last praise - and prayer request. Christopher comes home tomorrow!!! After having been gone for two weeks, we will welcome him home tomorrow. I'm very much looking forward to talking with him and hearing more about his trip. He has really enjoyed his time there and is already talking about going back again! While he was there, he took on additional work to write a paper and take an exam in order to earn college credit. (He was one of only 10 - out of over 180 - that chose to do this.) I'm proud of him for his hard work. More than all of this though, I pray that God would use this time to plant deep seeds of His truth that would bloom and produce much fruit. I'm excited to see what God has in store for him.
He has a long flight home with a couple of layovers. I know he will be tired from a long couple of weeks filled to the brim with lectures and activites (and not lots of sleep it sounds like). Would you pray for his safety? Thank you!
Tomorrow, I'm going shopping with some friends - for school supplies. I love school supplies. I've been working on a list and am hoping to get most of what I need while it's tax free week-end! More on that later.
Hope your week-end is filled with blessings!