View from the door. We painted the room and added the border. I loved the bright cheery colors and chose it because I thought it would last a long time. She's had it there about 9+ years. The large red/black object is the back of a dollhouse that Christopher made and I painted for her years ago. She loved it and played with it for year. It is turned around so that Eliana doesn't pull everything out. We are saving it for her to play with when she gets a little bigger. I haven't had the heart to put it in the attic for fear it would get messed up (though I probably should to make room.)
A view from the bed. Please excuse the really dirty mirror. I had the dresser hand-painted by a friend of my sisters to match the wallpaper. She did a great job.
I sponge painted the bookcase to match the room. Can you see that there is a lot of painting needing to be done to change it all?
A closer look at the border and curtains.
First job was to pick out the new bedding. From there we chose colors to paint the room. She picked two shades of blue - one as an accent wall and the other as the main color. We added a third color for the bookcase.
We are still finishing up the painting. We have the bookcase and dresser to go. Hopefully we'll be able to finish it soon and mark this OFF of the "to do" list. More pictures soon ... I hope.