Thank you to all who were praying for Eliana yesterday. The appointment went really well. She had brought along a little bunny that really helped! Bunny had his temp taken, then Eliana agreed to have hers taken. Bunny had his oxygen checked and then it was Eliana's turn. (Hers were 98! Love seeing those high numbers!).
No blood draw needed. That was a huge answer to prayer!
We met with a nurse to go over all the details and to sign release forms. Eliana played happily with bunny and the iPad. This is a great device for taking to dr spots!!!
Next we met with the Child Life specialist. I remembered her from Eliana's last surgery and surprisingly she remembered us. I loved how she interacted with Eliana! She talked to her and worked to try to help her understand what was going to happen. She had a little gas mask for bunny and then Eliana agreed to have it on her face. She showed her an IV lead and bag. She also sent us home with some things to "practice and pretend with" before we come back on Monday.
Last we toured the surgical area. She saw the little gowns and socks, the pre-op rooms and the procedure room. Eliana did great wi th all of this. Thank you for praying. It could not have gone better.
Requests for Monday are that Eliana can stay well. One brother seems to be on the front end of a cold. If she gets sick, we may have to postpone. I'm really ready to have this done. Also, we need to work to get her very hydrated on Sunday. She can have nothing to eat after midnight and thn cleat liquids until 6:45am. She needs the fluids to help with her veins for the IV. (I think I have mentioned that she is a hard stick.).
Sorry there are no pictures. Thanks for praying for our sweet little girl!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago