We met this month for the second time to discuss another book. We read A Lantern in Her Hand which is set in the 1800s and goes through a woman's life. It starts when she is a child and ends with her death. (You learn this at the beginning of the book so I don't think this is a spoiler.)
This book was challenging. There were times that I felt downright sad reading it. I think that all of the moms in the room could relate to the main character at some point in her life. Abbie Deal. A woman that loved being a mother. She gave up her hopes and dreams to follow love and to give all that she could to her children. It was hard at times seeing the hardships she faced and the twists in her life that just didn't seem fair. Life is like that though.
I think that the book offered a lot of insights though. I loved reading about a part when the character is in the later years of her life and she says that she doesn't feel like an old person - she is just Abbie. I can relate to that even now and it is was something I shared with the group (and mainly the girls). Inside, you are *you* and though your body ages, your spirit doesn't. I know I don't feel "old" though I'm sure to some I seem old. (Doesn't every adult seem old when you are a child? Or even a teen?) Even though she aged, she still had hopes and dreams. This didn't change because she got older, but sometimes her children seemed to treat her that way. Also, they didn't always appreciate the breadth of experience and understanding that she did have. I felt like they often didn't give her enough credit.
One of my friends commented that she thought this helped her to understand her mom a little better. I am praying that it helps all of us to understand others a little better - especially those further down the path of life than we are. We are all people with hopes and dreams no matter our stage in life or circumstances.
I think the girls are getting a little more comfortable with the sharing and discussing of ideas. I pray that this time will be a blessing and encouragement to each person there. Friendship is a sweet gift - one in which you have to take risks sometimes.
We had delicious treats after our discussion that tied in with the story. Chips (corn) and salsa, grasshopper pie (they were awful in the story), popcorn balls (she made them for Christmas), corn muffins, dried apples and apple juice.
I am enjoying this time with our girls and time for reading too. If anyone has suggestions for a good book for this age group, I would love to hear them! We'll be meeting again next month with a new book!
Thank you God for this sweet time of friendship, fellowship and fun!
Trusting God When Life Doesn’t Make Sense
1 week ago