I wanted to post a few more things from last month. I went again to the consignment sale and found some wonderful things for our children. Of course Eliana got the most. She needs it and there are soooo many cute things for little girls! Rebecca has had fun trying some of the new things on her - and I think Eliana enjoys it too. Hope we aren't creating a monster.
Rebecca went with me to the sale and she loved picking out things for Eliana too. Here is one of her picks. Eliana loves the soft fur. Not what I would have picked, but it is cute on her. I think those two girls are going to have fun shopping together when they are old enough to go without me.
I was able to find things for the boys too though none of them needed too much. We even found some things for Rebecca. I also bought some books and toys and hooded towels. Eliana loves wearing the hooded towels after her baths. Just makes me laugh! Oh, and a cute little pink chair for Eliana (another one of Rebecca's picks).
All in all another successful trip to the sale. I'm thankful to be able to shop here as it saves us a lot of money!