May happenings. This month always feels so very full. So many things are winding down and this year, it was some HUGE things. This is Rebecca's last year homeschooling. I remember starting with her when she was so very young and doing the picture books and acting them out, doing crafts and more. She was always such a fun student as she is eager to learn - still is. And as this piece of the journey comes to an end, there are lots of markers along the way.
We took some photos with her dear friend Hanna. These beautiful young ladies will be having their graduation together. Seems fitting as they have done a lot of learning and playing and laughing together over the years too!

May is also the end of another year of school for Christopher. He finished his third year at NC State. I can hardly believe that he is a rising senior! It has gone so quickly. We were delighted to have some of his friends over for dinner and games. I don't have a lot of pictures of this, but here are a few.
I am so thankful to be able to have this time with these wonderful young adults! I hope we will be able to spend time with some of Rebecca's friends in this way too. :)
We ended our year with our Five in a Row group with field events. This is a fun tradition. We played games like the 3-legged race.
The sack race. Broad jump
Softball throw
50 yard dash
And the egg and spoon race.
While they are competing, there is also a lot of time for laughter and fun.
Ribbons are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each event. (By age and gender)
We also take time to honor our seniors. We started this a few years ago when Christopher graduated. All four of these moms have been in this spot before. I'm not sure that it makes it any easier. One of our friends prayed over us and I found myself with tears slipping down my face. It just catches you off guard sometimes. I've been doing field trips and events with this precious daughter of mine for over 18 years now. I'm looking forward to more in the future!
We also celebrated with cupcakes. I made the GF strawberry ones and they were so yummy.
Just a cute photo of my youngest - who has many more years of field trips ahead of her, but I know that those years will go quickly too.
Joshua, Isaiah and Roger went on a Civil War field trip (extended) with Roger's work and had a fabulous time. We had fun at home while they were away too!
Once Christopher was home from taking exams, it was time to hit the beach! I'm never sure how much time we will have to vacation together and always want to grab the time while we can. The beach is such a fun place for all of us! We had a delightful week there with beautiful weather and not too many people. We enjoy playing in the sand and the ocean.
Really ... all of it. Well, maybe not the sunburn, but the rest of it. It was Mother's Day and I wanted a picture with all of my children. :)
Here is one with my girls.
Rebecca and some of her friends attending a homeschool dance.
So beautiful! :)We also went to see a local theatre performance. The musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Rebecca loves musicals and we made this a fun night out with friends. We went out to dinner and then to the performance. It was great and a fun evening!
Meeting some of the actors afterwards was a neat experience too.
Also in May is our state homeschool conference. Rebecca has been attending with me for a number of years now (since I stopped being a vendor). She really likes going to the workshops and also hanging out with her friends. This year was no different. Well, that part wasn't different, but there was something new.
We did not take part in the graduation at the conference, but will be having a celebration in July with family and friends. I only have one photo of the two of us at the conference. Its not the best one as it is at the very end and we were both worn out. Its a photo though that captures this memory. :)
The last event of the month was our family outing on Memorial Day. We went to a park to hang out and have fun. Friends met us and it was a great day.
Football from the Enos.
Food of course.
More games. Ultimate frisbee.
They learned some basics and mostly just had fun.
The staff and teens that worked with this program are super! Eliana enjoyed this and I hope we will be able to do more events like this in the future.
A month that was full in many ways ... a busy calendar, but not so full that we didn't have time to laugh, play and spend time with friends. Those are days well spent.
Will hopefully share next about one of my favorite co-ops and a field trip to go with it! Then it will be on to June. I'm just about caught up now! I hope you are having a great summer.