This day has been a sweet one for me for many years now ... 19 to be exact. On this day 19 years ago, I became a mama. I didn't realize then that I would love this new role so very much. I had no idea of the blessings and challenges that lay ahead of me. I couldn't possibly fathom how my heart would be stretched in so many ways. I was thrilled with the gift of a son, but didn't understand then what an amazing gift a child is to your life!
I wish I had pictures to share of when he was a baby. Its not that I don't have pictures (yes, those of you that know me, know I take lots of photos). I just don't know how to scan and share them. :-) One day I'll figure that out. Christopher was so much fun. We loved reading books and going for walks and field trips and talking. The days didn't seem to go so quickly, but oh the years do fly.
I can remember when he was little and meeting a mom with a 7yo and thinking her child was so "old". LOL I guess having a 19yo seems really old to a lot of people. My son is a man now and I still really enjoy being with him. He is still fun and interesting. I didn't know how much my love for my children would just grow and grow and grow. What a sweet blessing. God is so good that way.
Today we celebrated Christopher's birthday. It was his first day back at school after spring break (more on that later!). I'm glad it worked for us to spend a little bit of the day with him. Eliana was so excited to see Christopher and she kept asking about it all day. Love the way she is looking up at him.
A frisbee to replace the one lost in the ocean last week. LOL
Isaiah sharing a magic money trick with Christopher. I love seeing my children interact and enjoy each other. Life really is the little things and not the big things at all most days.
Several of the kids made homemade cards to give to him. :-)
Lots of detail on this card that was really sweet!
Little Eliana bringing Christopher his cake.
Trying to put candles into rice krispie treats is a little challenging. Trying to light the candles on a breezy day was even more so.
So we went with just a few candles. Sang Happy Birthday and had him blow them out.
We brought a lot of goodies for him and so he had help taking things up to his room. I just liked seeing them walk away like this. Eliana and I remained behind as I wasn't sure about where we were parked. I think it would have been fine to go up though and I had one very sad little girl with me. :-(
So glad that even when we are in different places, that our hearts are still close. So thankful to see my children walking in faith. That is really the best gift of all.
A beautiful day to celebrate one of my most favorite people of all.
I love you Christopher and am so glad to be your Mom. I pray for you often and am so excited to see your faith growing as you experience new things. I'm excited to see all the things you are learning and doing and planning to do. Know that I will always love you, always be cheering for you and always looking forward to spending time with you!
Much love always,
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago
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