We go to a nearby park and set up games on the large open field. We gather together to start our day with prayer.
I'm thankful for this sweet circle of friends.
I love seeing Eliana with one of her best buddies. Just cute!
We have the students divided by ages. The participate in some individual events. Like the 50 yard dash.
Don't you just love this smile!!! It blesses my heart to see him joining in and having fun with his friends.
Softball Throw
Broad Jump
We also have team events. Like the egg and spoon race.
Three legged race.
An interesting variation on the traditional race ... hopping the entire time!
Sack Race.
When it's over, some played volleyball and kickball. And frisbee. There is always time for frisbee.
I love this. I love seeing these two together. She thinks he is awesome. I think the feeling is mutual.
We also had a picnic lunch. Awards were given out and notecards indicated best records in each of the individual events.
We finished by honoring our seniors. We wanted to do something special for them - nothing too big or elaborate. Something to mark their time in the group and also bless them for the future. This is our groups first graduating class. Some of them have been with the group from the beginning. They took some time to share their future plans with all of us.
Then their families came up around them to pray over them.
A picture of each graduate with his mom/teacher.
We also each brought cupcakes to share with the group. Can you pick out the ones we brought? Rebecca made them in honor of his new school.
A fun day. Sweet memories. Friends and family.
This makes a fun ending to our year. (Only this year we actually had one more field trip that we rescheduled. Since all of the seniors couldn't be there though, we chose this event. It was really the best day for it and hopefully makes a easy, memorable new tradition for our up and coming seniors.
PS I'm almost finished with my May wrap-ups!
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