We were greeted by fun signs as we entered this co-op letting us know what lie in store.
The children were given a very short amount of time to tie together as many of the small pieces of yarn as they could. When they were finished, their yarn was put into a labelled bag for later.
We then moved to the sunroom for some learning.
The children learned about the Red Cross. We also shared Family Traditions and which ones meant the most to the children.
Our next topic was Economics. (I didn't share until afterwards that this is what I had studied in college. Shhh ... and grad school.) This was a tough topic but one that the children were definitely able to grasp because it was presented in such a FUN way! They first learned about supply and demand.
To make it practical, various scenarios were presented and the children held up arrows to indicate whether they thought the scenario would make the supply or demand go up or down.
Next they worked in small groups to create their own scenarious about a product they were given (like video games) and what might cause supply or demand to rise or fall. They did a great job with this too.
The final activity was to show supply and demand in a real way. They were each given a picture which required 3 colors to complete it. They were given $100 in which to purchase crayons. They could purchase the first crayon and then had to wait until everyone had gotten a crayon.
Oh the frenzy that ensued when the bidding started was great.
After coloring using the first crayon, they were then able to buy, trade or bid on another one. They only had 15 seconds though to do this.
As they started planning and making deals, the began to notice that it was harder to get crayons the second round. What they didn't realize was that there were some who had the only picture using a particular color (so nobody would trade for that one). Or that there was a shortage of one color that many of the people needed.
By the third and fourth round, some were frustrated but as the game was explained, they gained a better understanding of how supply and demand really works. It was a fabulous hands-on game!
The kids were able to use some of their extra money (they all had some) to purchase snacks. The doughnuts went for more money than the healthier snacks. LOL
Do you see the tubing on the child in the gold shirt to the right of the eggs? That is part of Joshua's pump. (Just an fyi for those who haven't seen it.)
Mmm ... nothing quite like a Krispy Kreme!
The children then worked on making their own "sandwich boards". I loved seeing what they wanted to advertise and how they went about it and the fun they had making them!
We had a "Sunday Dinner" together just like in the story. We all brought foods to share and enjoyed lunch together.
We finished the day by finding out who had the longest mystery string.
By now, their signs had dried and were made into sandwich boards to wear.
Thanks friends for another stupendous day! We had a blast and learned a lot too.
Leslie, this is over the top! What fun! We are doing Homer Price this week and having so much fun with it! Can't wait to see your next co-op ~ I'll be sharing these with the boys. :-)