Mother's Day was a sweet day. I woke up and got ready early so that I could have time to relax some before going to church. I knew that my sweet daughter would have something planned and I was not disappointed.
Our friends Catherine, Hannah and Lauren were visiting. We planned to go to the early church service at 9am. Roger was working this morning so we were getting the kids up and ready as best we could.
We were greeted with a lovely table and two chairs fit for queens when we walked downstairs. There was a vase of flowers, a beautifully set table, a several page document with sweet notes and sayings in it ... and did I mention the chairs? One of our family traditions is to pull in the really comfortable chairs for the person of honor on days like this.
[caption id="attachment_783283" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="A lovely table"]
Hannah and Rebecca cooked us a lovely, multi-course breakfast!!! We had orange Julius to drink (one of my favorites!), a yogurt, berry, granola parfait, mini quiches (that's not quite right, but I'm not sure what they were called. I know Rebecca will tell me in the morning.), sausage and french toast! A meal for royalty and it was all soooo good!
Sorry this is sideways, I can't figure out how to edit in this new format. Notice the candy bars in the background? Each of my little boys and Rebecca gave me candy for Mother's Day along with beautiful hand-made cards.
Note the pirate Mother's Day card behind the food. LOL Gotta love little boys!
I didn't get a great picture of Catherine and I - but here is a one that's not too bad (thought not too great either - lol).
After being treated like Queens, we got ready for church. We enjoyed a nice service with a great message. After service, more of our family came and Rebecca and I went to Sunday school with the littler ones.
Each of my three youngest made something for me while they were at church too. I just love things that my children make for me!
The flower in the middle is from Daniel. It's actually a pen with my favorite flower (pansies) taped onto it. It goes into a pot of rocks so that it is always available for me to use!
The card on the right is from Eliana. Lots of beautiful things glued onto a big heart. Rebeccca helped her to write the words.
All very sweet. I don't have pictures of the other cards that they made for me. Oops.
I was treated to all foods cooked for me all day. I loved this as cooking is not one of my favorite things to do. I had a great sandwich for lunch, tacos for supper and even an afternoon snack.
Rebecca was the initiator of most of the food for the day. She knows my favorites and uses her love language to serve me and give gifts through cooking. My afternoon snack was baked cheese sticks and a frozen cranberry limeade slushie!!! Can you say yummy? All were delicious.
Thank you to my sweet family for making my day special. I love being a mom. It's definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
I'm always blessed to have a wonderful mom of my own (who has one daughter that is much slacker than my own daughter - sorry mom!) Thank you Mom for being such a wonderful example to me in so many areas. I am thankful for your love of our family and love of Jesus. I'm thankful to be able to spend time with you sharing hobbies, laughter and fun. I'm also thankful you have been there for me during the times that were hard. I couldn't be more blessed. I love you Mom!
I'm going to close as I've been working on this post for awhile. I'm trying to figure out the new format of this blog - and there are a lot of fun and new features. Please let me know if there is something I'm doing that makes things hard to read. This is going to be a learning process. (I'm up for tips and advice on anything so I don't have to figure it all out by trial and error!)
Hope you all are having a blessed week!
ReplyDeleteWhat a thoughtful and talented daughter you have! I'm glad she and all your children pampered you on Mother's Day!
Pam in SE MI
What a wonderful mother's day. You are doing better than me with this blog change. I changed my template and lost my dashboard. Now I can post anything or do anything. I should remember that I am on vacation and stop looking at this. I am just getting frustrated.
How beautiful!!! What a blessing! So glad you had such a wonderful mother's day! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteYippee! I am glad it finally let me log in to leave a comment. :) It looks like you had a beautiful Mother's Day. The flowers and cards are wonderful.