I have even joked with Rebecca that we were going to skip this one so she didn't get older so quickly. She laughed - but was not in agreement. Guess you only want to skip birthdays when you get older. LOL
I remember being pregnant with Rebecca and having a vision that I would be having a girl. I had wanted a "Rebecca" for years. I was so certain I was having a girl, that my mother had bought only gifts for a girl! I was delighted with our beautiful new daughter - and yet had no idea the joy that was awaiting us. I couldn't even begin to fathom the blessing she would be - to me, to our family and to so many other people.
Where do I start? I'm thankful for the gifts Rebecca has been given and the beautiful way she uses those gifts to bless others. She is creative, talented and hard-working. This is evident in her Wholehearted bracelet ministry (see sidebar for details) in which she has made hundreds of bracelets and raised over $8000 for Duke Children's Hospital. I see these qualities in her day to day life as well as she is constantly creating things - both craft projects and also cooking projects. All of us benefit from these!
Rebecca is bright, inquistive and interesting. She is a joy to teach and has always been a great student. She is motivated and willing to do all that is asked of her. I know this will serve her well throughout her life.
She is brave and willing to try new things. Starting a business at age 11 is amazing to me. Speaking to a group of 150 is daunting - and she was wonderful. All this for a young girl who is somewhat quie and a little on the shy side - until you get to know her.
Rebecca has a heart to serve. She demonstrates this every day in so many ways to her siblings. I would not be able to manage nearly so well without her capable help! She has also served in the community. She is wonderful with young children. She is energetic, athletic and sensitive. She is also unassuming - so much lies behind her sometimes quiet exterior.
I have loved being your Mom, Rebecca. I have learned so much from you. I love spending time with you, sharing interests and just talking. You are all I could have ever wanted in a daughter and so much more! I thank God for you every day and look forward to another amazing year with you! I know that God has great plans for you. I have loved watching Him at work in your life already and look forward to seeing the work He will continue to do in and through you.
I love you!
Happy Birthday to Rebecca! She is a lovely girl in every way. We are so happy to be getting to know her better!
Happy Birthday Rebecca- and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you Leslie!