Christopher's team was playing in the Championship game for his league (Homeschool Football League). I know I've talked about this league before - it is a great league. They really stress the importance of good conduct and Christian witness. When a player is down/hurt, they all stop and drop to a knee and pray for him. They pray and have devotions together after the games. The importance of being a good sport is emphasized. It has been a wonderful group of which to be a part.
Anyway, this was the last game of the season. They played in the play-offs two weeks ago. The final game was a great one for our team. Here is a photo at the end of the game.
Christopher, I'm proud of you! Congratulations Warriors! Great job!
Congratulations to Christopher and the Warriors! We are going to Blowing Rock this weekend. Plan to do some hiking and some relaxing. Hope you are all well. I pray for you often. Wish we could get together sometime. My entire family will be in Blowing Rock for Thanksgiving. Tues. - Fri. Will you all be there also? Let me know if you are going. I would love for us all to get together. Love ya! Bonnie