Sorry I've been quiet - we have spent the last week at the beach. I thought we'd have better access, but it was spotty and a little slow, so I wasn't able to post here. That's alright too though as we just had a fun time hanging out. Our friends from VA were there too, just down the beach a bit and it was great to hang out with them during the week too. I'll try to post pictures later this week.
We have a busy week ahead. Tomorrow, Joshua will be going to the Diabetes clinic. I'm looking forward to seeing how he is doing (A1C numbers) and hope that his numbers have improved. We'll also be talking about getting him on the pump. He won't get it tomorrow as we'll have to go through some classes first.
His numbers at the beach were pretty good - though he began to have a lot of lows. I think it was from all the time running around on the beach playing. I adjusted with his snacks and that helped a lot. The last day we saw highs - really unexplained. Things seem to have evened back out today, but I'm not sure what was going on with those. This disease can be so unpredictable!
Also this week we have our usual round of therapies - 2 speech, 2 OT, 1 PT, and 1 music. It will be nice to have those after having a week off. We are blessed to have a great team of therapists too.
We have a field trip coming up and I'm praying all of my children stay well!!!
I'm working on making Colonial costumes for my children to wear when we visit Williamsburg. I'll also be making 2 lunch and 2 dinner meals for the gals (and family) who run a local consignment sale. I have done some shopping there and got some great things for our kids. (Especially Eliana - it is sooo much fun to shop for a little girl!)
I got to sleep early last night - before 11pm! It was nice, so nice, to get more sleep. I was able to wake up at 2am. This has been my fear that I wouldn't wake up for Joshua's check which is why I usually stay up until then. I'm hoping I can do better about going to sleep earlier and just waking to the alarm.
Will try to load pictures soon. This isn't a real exciting post - sorry! Just trying to catch up again. :0)
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago
I am glad that you had a relaxing time at the beach.. I hope your very busy week goes well. We are off and running as well this week.
Thanks for the update Leslie! I will be praying for your sleep.