I feel like I've typed that before - "more testing". I know I've typed "small prayer request" - so I didn't even go that route this time. Joshua had a nephrology appointment today as a follow up from his testing last month. I wasn't worried as I thought this would just be news that all is fine. (The problem being followed - Hematuria - has some familial history with no problems.) I wasn't prepared. Thankfully God was. He knew our steps, the words we would hear and He was right there with us.
We saw a very nice doctor that spent time going over history, asking questions and finding the reports from the other testing. She came back and told us that based on what she saw on the report, she thinks that there may be a problem with one of his kidneys. She drew a picture to help explain how the kidneys are supposed to function and what she is suspecting may be going on with Joshua. The next step will be another renal ultrasound, but this time with dyes in order to see exactly how the kidney is functioning. If the problem is there, it will need to be surgically corrected.
Hopefully we'll hear from them tomorrow in terms of scheduling an appointment.
The second piece of the puzzle today came after a physical exam. She noted a problem (I'm going to be discreet here and not go into detail though I don't mind sharing this personally - just not over the internet). She called in the supervising doctor who concurred with her opinion. This finding is a problem and Joshua is being referred to a urologist. We are expecting surgery to correct it. I was stunned to hear this and tried hard to fight tears so as not to upset Joshua. This is always a balance isn't it? Finding the strength to be strong for your children and yet letting them know that you are scared and sad too.
This second problem is not a result of diabetes. It has been uncovered because of it though. I'm thankful that this has been uncovered. I do wish it weren't happening though. I feel like my sweet boy is really being put through the ringer this summer.
Joshua is prone to more problems with his kidneys because of having diabetes and thus he will continued to be followed and monitored in this area.
Earlier this week, as a journal writing activity, Joshua had to answer the question, "Do you think you are lucky?". I wondered how the events of the summer might have affected his answer. I was curious to see. He answered a firm "yes" and then listed why he was lucky - family, friends, clothes, a house, etc. He even said that he thinks he might sometimes take these for granted. I love his heart and that he sees the blessings of his life clearly. In spite of what happens, we are very blessed.
So, we wait to hear back about appointments and then will find out more details then. We appreciate prayers for clear results and patience as we wait.
One other piece of testing is for another son. I have suspected for awhile that he might have some learning disabilitiies. I would love to be wrong on this!!! We are starting testing with him tomorrow. Would you join us in praying for clear and accurate results and wisdom in knowing how to deal with any information we may get?
In the midst of difficulties, I still know that we are very blessed. I'm thankful for a strong God that sustains me - even though I am weak; His wisdom that covers me even when I'm confused; His loves that pours over me even when I feel unlovely and undeserving.
Some days I feel like there is so much drama going on over here and that surely at some point, things will settle down. I'm not sure what God's plans are in all of this. I do know that He loves each one of us and does have a plan for our lives. I know that He is good even when are circumstances are not. I know that He is faithful and His promises true even when my life feels so out of control.
I'm comforted by remembering the words to a child's song ... "Jesus loves me this I know". Know that He loves you too. Thank you for praying for our family.
WIth love
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago
Oh, Leslie. We are praying!!
ReplyDeleteWow, Leslie,
ReplyDeleteWith school statrting back here, I haven't had a spare minute to check in with your site for about a week. A lot has been going on in your household, too, I see. I will be praying for these new finindings concerning Joshua. I'm so sorry that there are new developments along with the diabetic condition. Also, I couldn't believe the poor little guy suffered the bee sting! :( I hope that is better now. I know the site can itch for a long time.
And Happy Birthday, Sweet Friend. I hope you are enjoying your iPod. I still borrow one from the boys when they are not using them. It would be nice to have my own...with only my own favorite songs on it. Pink would be a great color selection for mine, too. That way none of the "men" in the house would touch it! :)
Love and ((Hugs)),
Leslie, I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this. And poor Joshua! It touched my heart to hear that he is able to count blessings in the middle of all of this. I hope the bee sting is better. I am mostly hoping he does not have to have surgery, but if he does, I know you'll have him in the best hands. We are praying here for the best for Joshua and for all of you.
Joshua is a wise little man, counting his blessings and seeing the glass half full in the midst of all the latest developments. Continue to be strong for him. Praying.
ReplyDeleteI will continue to pray for you & your sweet family. I am sorry that you have to keep going through all of this. Let your strength continue to come from Jesus; He will never leave you or your family!
ooops...didn't sign my name. The above comment is from me.
(((Leslie))) I am so sorry that life is throwing so many curves right now. I understand that balance you mentioned of being strong and showing concern. It's happening right now in our family.
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for y'all. Is there anything you need locally?
I have clung to that simple child's song all year this year. "Jesus Loves me, this I know." Simple, but oh so true. When I feel that I really do not know one single thing about what God is doing, or what's going to happen, or how God is using something in my life or the lives of my children, THIS I KNOW. Praying His love will be your constant source of strength and comfort.
Pam in SE MI