Well, I had thought earlier that this was going to be a quick passing of whatever germ she has - but unfortuntately its going to last a little longer. I've spent most of the day holding a precious baby that just feels pitiful.
She is still feverish - had a temp of over 105 at 8pm. She has diarrhea (sp - I should look that up!) which is making her bottom very sore! (Yes, I'm putting cream on it though wish I'd thought to do it before it became raw.) She is able to eat some, but has just been miserable for hours now. When she isn't sleeping (usually on me) she is often crying. She just feels terrible - I'm not sure she has really even smiled today.
I did finally call our ped tonight when her fever was so high. I gave her tylenol and it brought it down to about 103. She advised me alternating with motrin. She also thinks that she is probably just fighting a yucky virus since all of her bloodwork came back clear yesterday. She is on call tomorow and wants me to bring her in early in the morning. I hope she doesn't mind my calls. I really do hate to bother her. Why do I doubt myself sometimes? I know I'll get more comfortable as time goes on - I can see it in other areas. This is all uncharted for me though. I'm thankful to have friends helping me on this path. I'm so very thankful for the prayers and encouragment I've received. God is good.
I was pacing with her earlier and pondering on how thankful I am that we live when we do. For now, Eliana's health issues are treatable. Even though serious and scary at times, her surgeries and medical procedures have all gone well. In a different era, she wouldn't have made it, but now she has so many opportunities ahead of her. I've been reading a couple of blogs of other children that are struggling with so much more. It breaks my heart - and urges me to pray. It reminds me anew that I have so much to be thankful for!
I appreciate your prayers for Eliana and our family. (So far, there are no signs that anyone else has any of this crud.) I am thankful for much tonight. It's been 3 hours since her last dose of tylenol and her fever is back to 104. Time for the alternating meds.
Hug your children, tell your spouse that you love them, say a prayer for those God lays on your heart. Give thanks. God is good all the time.
PS Will update more tomorrow.
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago
Dear Leslie,
ReplyDeleteJustin is improving. Sorry to hear Eliana is still feeling so miserable. Will keep crying out to God for her, as well as those other very sick little ones that I'm also following closely on CarePages!
I've tried to take care of myself today, using salt water to irrigate my sinuses, gargling with salt water, and drinking a whole pot of green tea! Also, Unkers salve on my throat. I thought I was winning the battle, but now I feel lousy again. Time to do the salt water routine and head to bed! I'm exhausted, and you must be also! Praying for you, too, dear friend. Hang in there!
I am so sorry that Eliana is sick this week-end. I have a few things that have worked well with the boys when they had diahrea as babies. The ped would tell us to use Isomil DF. It's a special formula for diahrea. Also, acid mantle cream helps with the raw bottom. I have to ask for this cream at the pharmacist's counter, but it is an over the counter medication. I think it helps restore the PH level on the skin.
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for you and Eliana.
Love, Tami
Thank you friends!
ReplyDeleteAnna - I hope and pray you are feeling better! It's just miserable to feel badly!
Tami - I am hoping to get some new creams today at the store. Thank you for the recommendation. I will look to find it.
Hugs to you both,