My day started early - very early. Well, actually it probably ended early as it was sometime after 1am - probably close to 1:15 - when I went to sleep after Eliana's last feeding. I was awakened at 3:25am by the phone ringing. I answered quickly to hear my friend Catherine telling me she was in labor. I told her I'd be right over. I got dressed and ran next door, just thrilled to be a part of this incredible experience with her. I'm not going to share all of the details as it is her story to tell. I do want to share what a blessing this was and the evidences of God's hand.
Catherine had not expected to go early as she hasn't in the past. They have been trying to plan a way to coordinate this sweet baby's birth so that her dh (dear husband) was here, child care was taken care of and the medical staff was on call that she wanted to care for her. It was a lot to consider and final plans had not yet been made as her due date was still 5 days away.
Her dh was out of state, and expected to arrive in about 4 hours. Her contractions were already strong and frequent. I honestly didn't think her dh would make it. I don't think she did either. We packed up some of her things, called a friend to come stay with her children, made a list of to dos and then left for the hospital.
As we drove up to the ER, a staff person was outside and asked why we were there. When I said Catherine was in labor, she joked that was probably why we were wheeling into the parking lot. She helped Catherine in while I parked the car.
Up in labor and delivery, we were visited briefly by some of the staff (nurses and a doctor) but pretty much left alone. Catherine did such a fabulous job! It was hard for me to see her in such pain and I found myself praying and praying for so many different details. I called her dh several times to update him on her progress.
When we initially arrived and she was checked she was at a 4. Several hours later, when the new dr arrived and checked her she was at a 4-5. Quite disappointing to say the least. He also told her he expected this last bit to go quickly - and he was right! The best part though was when he told Catherine that he had called her midwife and she was rushing over! What a sweet unexpected surprise and blessing! Hearing her side of it - just added to the fact that God had orchestrated this time. Had she gone as quickly as we had thought, her dh might not have made it and neither would her midwife.
With a lot more hard work, my sweet friends welcomed their fourth child and second son into their family. He is so beautiful and perfect in every way. We are so very glad he is here.
Welcome to the world Caleb Kenneth. We are rejoice in your birth sweet little man!
I've always wanted to see a birth - in which I wasn't the one doing the birthing. This was just such a sweet gift to be able to share this experience with my precious friend. It's one that I'll never forget and one that I'm so thankful to have been a part of. I've always felt that childbirth was one of the most amazing and beautiful experiences and seeing it from a different perspective was no different. Ironically, it is probably only due to the fact the Eliana doesn't nurse that I had the freedom to go and be gone from her for so long. It's really the only positive I've found for not being able to nurse her longer.
I have much more to update regarding Eliana's feeding, but am just too tired to do it now. Will try to do it tomorrow as we still covet your prayers. I feel like I've been on a roller-coaster ride of emotions this week. Praying for God's peace to fill my heart.
With love,
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago
Wow, Leslie! I prayed that God would encourage your heart in a big way, this week! Had no idea you would get to be present at a birth!! You needed that blessing! There is one more beautiful memory for both you and Catherine... your friendship will be forever strong, and you will always be close in heart!
I love your specific prayers dear friend. Yes, this one was answered in a tremendous way. All of the details worked out in a way that would have been hard to plan. I have wanted to see a birth for many years and hoped that maybe one day with Rebecca it might be possible. It was a sweet moment to share with my friend.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your prayers and encouragment!