Take a good look at the picture. (I'll give you some hints ... spaced out a little bit if you want to guess.)
Look at her cute little face. See it?
Or rather do you see what is missing?
Yes - she pulled out her tube again! It's been 3 days and even though I have retaped, she is good at getting it out!
I don't remember if I mentioned that I noticed last week we were running low on her feeding tubes. I called and ordered more. I was very specific about the type, the size, the brand name, the model number. I really want the type that we currently use. I ordered 15 to go along with our months' supply of feeding tube bags. The gal on the phone asked if I was sure I needed that many. I told her that Eliana pulled out her tube on average every other day at times. So in a month - yes, I would need that many.
Well the shipment arrived, but I didn't check it right away. I checked it on Monday when I realized that we had only 1 tube left and discovered that the wrong size was sent! Only 3 were in the package and it listed that it was backordered. I thought perhaps they sent this to hold us over until the others arrived. Thankfully I called. The backorder was for the same wrong size. I told the gal on the phone about my conversation last week and as I explained she remembered talking to me. She asked if we could make do with what was sent. I told her that no we couldn't.
The size that Eliana needs is a 5Fr (the diameter of the tube) and we were sent an 8Fr. Her nose is so tiny! And I wonder if it hurts her throat at times when I have to keep putting it in. It can't feel good to have had that down your throat for over 3 months. Also the last 2 tube placements have been rough! So no, I wasn't willing to try a bigger tube. She told me that we should have the new tubes by the end of the week.
Well on Monday Eliana pulled her tube and I placed the last one in. I was hoping that she would just leave this one in until the new shipment arrived. Well, tonight she pulled out that one. I have a couple of options.
1. Go to the hospital and ask for a tube. If they won't give me one then I take her to the ER and have them place one for me.
2. I use a different brand tube that I have on hand. It's the right size but not the same style. I like the style we use as I'm comfortable with it. I know how far to place it based on the markings on the tube. I'm comfortable with this one - well, as comfortable as I can be. The other tube is about 3 feet long (the one we use is 16 inches) but at least it is the right diameter.
Since it is night, Roger isn't home, and I'm home with the 3 little ones - option 2 looks good to me. I go to our supplies and get the tube ready. I measure it against the tube she has pulled and mark it with tape so that I'll know how far to insert it. (I've also been taught how to measure against her body, but wanted a double check on length.) I get everything prepared and wait.
Shortly before Roger arrives home, I look again in our supplies. I am greatly surprised to find ONE more of the right type of tube! It wasn't buried in our supplies so that I just missed it. It was sitting right on top. What a sweet thing to see. It's a small thing, but I'm thankful that by whatever means, God has given me this tube. When I tell Roger about it, he asks if I just dug around to find it. I told him no. I had even moved the supplies around tonight looking for everything and had not seen it. I looked earlier in the week and didn't see it then either. I had counted prior to Monday and had seen one in there - the one we used on Monday. Thank you God for this small gift that has your loving hands all over it.
The tube is in now. It went in pretty easily with a minimal amount of crying. That is a praise and thank you as well!
PS There's another entry from earlier tonight just below this one.
Praise God for helping you and blessing you. He is really quite cool, you know?
ReplyDeleteGod is SO GOOD!!!
ReplyDeleteI noticed her feeding tube was missing right off the bat. She is such a beautiful little girl. I am praising God with you for the provision of the feeding tube!
ReplyDeleteAre you going to attempt the conference next week? Email privately if you wish. I also need to get with you on the FIAR Quilt pics. The article is due mid-June.
Also, have you looked at the BUMBO seats? I bought one for Benjamin to help strengthen his upper back, and it really helped. If you want to use his, we can arrange that.
If you need anything, please let me know. I think of you often and check your blog daily.
Have a blessed day! Tami
I noticed the missing feeding tube right away. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie you have there Leslie!
That is such a neat story of how God provides just what we need when we need it. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
The feeding tube isn't there, yah, she looks sooo gorgeous! Love that picture, she looks so proud!
ReplyDeleteGlad you were able to find another tube! Praying that too will be a thing of the past soon for you!!