I've spent hours trying to find a moment to update ya'll, but it's been just too busy! I was thinking earlier this morning that I would just do one entry and add to it as the day went - maybe making each new entry a different color. Well, it looks like you are going to get LOT of news at once!
Roger and I drove over to the hospital around 10am - later than I had hoped, but it's always hard to get out of the house. I had called to check on Eliana and heard that she was doing great! They told me that she had the chest tube removed by her surgeon. This is great as they kept telling me that it was painful for her. She also had her catheter removed and her arterial line removed. I was told that she would probably be moved to a room today as they needed the bed space for another heart baby.
When I arrived they were trying to put in another IV so that they could remove her central line. This needed to be done before she could be moved to a room. I waited while they put this in and Roger joined me in the waiting room.
When we were allowed back, we were warned that the new IV had been put into her head. (Not surprising since they apparently tried almost every other place yesterday in an attempt to put in an IV and then resorted to the surgeon doing a cut-down.) They covered the IV with 1/2 of a small cup - and her pink bow! It really helps the look. She had been moved to a private room with a new nurse just for her. I wish we'd had this yesterday so we could have spent more time with her.
The nurse asked if I minded being there while she removed the central line from her groin and inserted her feeding tube. I told I didn't mind at all. I didn't have to look if it bothered me. She had been given 2 doses of morphine this morning for the removal of the chest tube and insertion of the IV so she was a little groggy. As the nurse was removing the stitches from the central line she asked if I was a nurse. LOL No, just a mom that has had to learn a few new things over the last couple of months.
Eliana's vital signs were good. She is still on oxygen and her sat levels are high. (good news) We were told that she would be moving to a regular room this morning instead of a step-down room. (Lower nurse ratio on the regular floor. We were also assured that the move was because she was doing well, not because they needed the room.
Our pediatrician called while we were finishing up in the NICU. She commented that Eliana was making this "look like she had gone in for a wart removal". It's amazing to me how well she is doing! When they readied her bed, tubes, machines, etc, Eliana was wheeled down the halls to the pediatric ward and her room. Because she has a bigger bed, there isn't a regular bed for me, just a pull out chair. It will be fine as I'm just happy to be with her!
So many people and so many comments I want to remember and share!!! I'll do my best here.
We saw a doctor shortly after arriving in our room. She talked about how Eliana was doing very well. She had heard about how cute Eliana was from another nurse.
It's 6:20 now and I will add to this later. Need to go try to feed my little girl. Bottle too warm so I'll add a bit more.
So many God moments today. Again so much evidence that He is working all things out for good - above and beyond what we have expected!
One of the anesthesiologists stopped by. What a surprise to see him! I shared with him how I appreciated how nice he was to us. He commented that they were always nice. I shared with him my memories of how tender, calm and kind they were with both Eliana and us. Of the memory of them walking of with her and how it helped to start a really stressful time in a positive way. He said that he appreciated that and that though he hadn't experienced this that he did his best to help. I know that God placed these men in our lives and am thankful for them!
Met with a second doctor. When she walked in, she asked about the church we attended. We confirmed it was the one she asked about and she shared that she had been in church on Sunday when they prayed for Eliana! She told me that she had ordered another echo for Eliana. She had one yesterday after surgery and her heart looked great!!! I asked if she would have to have a number of echos while she was here. She replied that she needed one more before she went home. I then asked if we might be going home tomorrow. She said that possibly tomorrow or the following day!!! I was shocked! She is definitely on the fast track! What a miraculous healing is occuring in our little girl.
An OT (Occupational therapist) and speech&feeding therapist came by at 3pm to help with her feeding. This was to be her first oral feeding since surgery. I told her that prior to surgery we try oral feedings if she is awake. She will take on average 1 ounce. Often less and very infrequently more. She took 2 ounces! She was really hungry too. She started coughing some during the feeding - a productive sounding cough. She clearly has some fluid in her lungs which they said was normal after surgery. They also recommended she get speech/OT therapy started. The feeding recommendation for now is that I try to oral feed her every three hours (still skipping the 3am!) for up to 30 minutes then give the rest via tube.
Roger went home and brought the 4 oldest children up to visit their sister. They were all glad to see her and very curious about all of her lines, tubes and "owies". I am glad they were able to see her! She even smiled her first good smile at Christopher! It was soooo good to see that! I have prayed for her smile and missed seeing it.
While they were here, Roger ran into our cardiologist in the hallway. He did a double take as he was surprised to see Roger here. He wondered if he was here because the surgery had been cancelled yesterday and was very surprised to hear that she'd had her surgery and already been moved to the floor! He came into to visit with us. Talked to Rebecca about her bracelets. I asked a question (dont remember what it was) and he told us that this was just a personal visit and not a professional one. I love our doctors! Isn't it neat that he would just visit with us! He again told us that he thought we'd get out of here faster since we are local and it's easier to follow-up with Eliana and also because we have already done the feeding tube.
Eliana's 6pm feeding was great. I woke her up and was surprised she was ready to eat. It's been a long time since we've had to wake her to eat - and then she usually didn't want to. She took 98 ml - that's just over 3 ounces!!! Almost her complete feeding. Only 8ml by tube. Oh, happy tears I cried as she was eating and eating and eating.
Prayers for now would include the following:
- Continued recovery for Eliana in all areas and that she would remain healthy!
- Ability to breathe and have good oxygen levels without an oxygen pump.
- Ability to eat well orally and maintain good oxygen levels while doing this.
- Wisdom for all of her care givers.
- Wisdom for us as we try to ask questions and learn all that we need to know about Eliana's care.
- Health for our family.
That's all I can think of now - though this is probably long enough!!! We have some photos that I will try to figure out how to link. They are all from yesterday. Some are pre-op and others are post-op. Please be warned that some of the pictures are difficult!!! Especially if your children are viewing with you.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers. It has made a huge difference and I love being able to share with people here the goodness of God in the midst of all that Eliana has been through.
With love,
I'm so happy that things are going so well. It sounds so much like Connor's experience. You'll be home before you know it!
ReplyDeleteContinued prayers!
love, Karen
I am just crying over this post. I KNOW that I remember you posting that it would possibly be weeks that you would have to stay at the hospital. God is so good!
ReplyDeleteGod is so amazing! I too am in tears while reading how miraculously she is doing compared to some.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your posts for a little over a week now thanks to my good friend, "Sherilynn". I have even taken time at night to read your old posts and feel am able to 'hear your voice' as if I know you.
May the Lord continue to bless your family with good news and great joy!
ReplyDeleteWhat wondeful news! Praising God along w/ you over how well your little girl is doing. /
You all will continue to be in my prayers. I will have to let my girls know how your precious girl is doing. They've been asking me all day for an update. :-)
Reading through the tears of joy as you share all of the great things God is doing in your precious Eliana. God is sooooo good!
ReplyDeleteas not sure which computer you on for address
ReplyDeleteEmail me photos if you get stuck & I'll help load.
So thrilled to read your updates. It's just as good as if I could pick up the phone & talk to you - you have a gift of writing!
So thrilled she is doing well.
Love Leanne
I haven't checked your blog in over 2 weeks, and how busy you all have been! Praising God for the successful surgery, I will pray for her continued recovery. How wonderful that she is eating so well. Thank you, God, for a vibrant healthy appetite! I am so happy for you all. I am honored to add your beautiful daughter's button to my little blog.
ReplyDeleteCrying and rejoicing, friend! I'm just awed at God's abundant grace! Continuing to pray for your sweetie and each one of you!