This seems small compared to the other things I've asked prayer for - but my little girl has been miserable. She has spent much of the evening off and on fussy and gassy. I probably should choose another word - she is crying. I hate to see her in pain - after all that she has been through in the last several days. And of course this would start when we are at home. I've been holding her, rocking her and trying to comfort her (off and on) for many hours tonight. I'm thankful I'm able to do that!
She has been unable or not interested in eating from the bottle since 6am. :-( For this reason I don't think it's the feeding or taking in air. She is on the same formula as before so I don't know if this is a result of something with her surgery? I'm planning to phone one of the doctors in the morning if things aren't better. I hesitate to give her anything without "approval" from a doctor given her heart surgery and the fact that she is on other meds. KWIM?
I gave her some pain meds (prescrip from hospital) and she is currently sleeping well. I'm praying for a good night's sleep for both of us. We haven't gotten much this week. Please pray that we would figure this out so she isn't hurting. It is not like her to cry and cry and it hurts my mama's heart.
I'll update more as I can. Feeding is going to be a big issue for us. I'm hoping we'll get it figured out soon so that we can say good-bye to her feeding tube!
Praising God for His goodness. We are glad to be home!
Update 10:15am Friday 4/20
She slept fine through the night. Woke at 8am fine. By 9am (feeding time) she began to cry and cry. Cried hard for 30 minutes!
Called her ped and we are going in at 1pm. Please pray for my baby. She is not herself and having her cry like this just hurts my heart - not to mention it is a little frightening after what she has just gone through.
Thank you!
With love,
Update 4pm Friday
Thank you for your prayers, advice and encouragment! I love you all! :group:
We went to see her ped who checked her out thoroughly and feels that her crying was due to pain. :cry: Oh, that makes me feel so badly! :cry: I've heard so much about how they are trying to wean her from the strong meds and onto Tylenol only. For now, we are going back to the strong meds and weaning a little more slowly.
Eliana just sobbed and sobbed - both last night (and I did give her the strong med then) and this morning. Please pray that I would have wisdom in giving her meds and in cutting back when it is appropriate. I hate to think of her hurting.
As an interesting note, our pediatrician called Eliana's cardiologist who told her that he was surprised that she was released so quickly. I commented that I didn't like hearing that she shouldn't have been released. The ped. corrected me saying he didn't say she shouldn't be released only that he was surprised that she was released so quickly. I asked why he allowed it and was told that it wasn't his decision. *sigh* I really don't want my daughter in the midst of any politics and am trusting that this really was best for her. We've had so many positive things occur this week and am believing that this was for the best too.
Our ped. did say that the upside to being home is that Eliana is not exposed to any germs/diseases/infections that she might be there at the hospital. Believing that perhaps this is why she is home. I'm also close enough to go in if needed. And her care at this point is also something that I can handle. I've learning a lot more about nursing/critical care than I ever imagined - though not so much that I don't worry and that I have all of the answers!
Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for Eliana's recovery and that she would have no complications.
Thank you!Love,
I pray you had a restful night after she fell asleep. It is amazing that just 4 days ago, Eliana had open heart surgery and now she is home. I can't wrap my mind around that!
ReplyDeleteI am praying for continued peace for you and your family as now you take care of a precious little girl who is recovering with a quickness. May you have all of your questions answered today. You are so amazing as you walk this road Leslie!
Praying for her to be pain free, germ free and that those tender cheeks of hers will heal quickly! Also will be praying for her feedings.
One last prayer- that your rest will be multiplied as you care for your sweet little girl and the rest of your crew. May just a cloud of gentleness surround your home.
ReplyDeletePraying that your night improved and that you were both able to rest comfortably.
Prayers here!
ReplyDeleteHi there, just wanted to let you know that we have been praying from your sweet girl. I have an 18 month old son with Ds. We too went through the open heart surgery at 4 months. He had an AV/VSD, and also an arterial defect. We spent almost a month in the hospital with him, due to complications during his surgery! I am so gald that you are home. We are praying that your sweet little girl will do fine, and just needs some extra pain meds right now. You can check out Rhett's website at
ReplyDeleteGood luck, you will continue to be in our prayers.
ReplyDeletePraying for you and your daughter!!! Keep us posted when you can!
ReplyDeleteI can believe she's really in pain. We were in a head-on car accident some years ago (not our fault) -- and for weeks after the accident, my sternum was in INTENSE pain. It hurt amazingly to move the LEAST little bit! And I didn't have nearly the trauma she has had.
ReplyDeletePoor baby. But blessed to have such good care and such a good mama and family.
Praying. Susan
Leslie and Roger,
ReplyDeleteSince I've been out of work this week, I just learned today of the blog and that Eliana had had her surgery Monday and was already home on yesterday! Truly, truly, our God is faithful!
While I realize that you still have a tough road ahead of you, I am thrilled to hear that everything has gone so well with her surgery and since that time. I just sat and read the entire blog! By the way, is Christopher already starting to grow a mustache?!?! I hope your visit with the pediatrician went well today and that her feedings have improved.
I won't be more long-winded than I have to be, as I'm sure you will have several posts to read. Just know that all of you will remain in my and my family's prayers. Wow! What an awesome little girl! The "Joy" of the Lord is certainly with you.
That's what my time with you and Eliana was last night, Leslie!! How precious is your sweet little brave bundle. And, how thankful we were to the Lord whose Will is good, pleasing and perfect to grant our prayer that she eat without suffering and then, fall asleep. I'm sure there will be other hard days and nights, but oh, that was a sweet reprieve.
ReplyDeleteDuncan had such an entertaining visit with your Dad and Roger, b/c of your dad's profound interest in and knowledge of basketball! Your mama is sweet -- she takes after you, huh?! Much love and prayer for you, my friend. Kathy
Dear Leslie,
ReplyDeleteMy prayer today: "Abba Father, enable Leslie to stand in faith against all fear, all self doubts, all false guilt. Thank You that You are holding Eliana in Your BIG hands, and Your Father heart also feels sorrow when she is in pain. Thank You for the medication that helps ease her pain so that she does not have to suffer long. Give Leslie wisdom in administering the pain meds and in transitioning her to the Tylenol eventually. Thank You for Your healing power that is flowing through little Eliana's body. Thank You that You are going to amaze Leslie again and again with all the positive changes she will see in Eliana in the coming days and weeks. Thank You that Eliana is going to be ravenous for her milk just as soon as she feels better! Thank You that You see the joy You have prepared for this family. And that this "light affliction which is but for a moment (even though to us the "moment" can seem like forever) worketh for [the Nelson family] a far more exceeding weight of glory"!! Amen!"
Love, Anna
Dear Leslie,
ReplyDeleteMy prayer today: "Abba Father, enable Leslie to stand in faith against all fear, all self doubts, all false guilt. Thank You that You are holding Eliana in Your BIG hands, and Your Father heart also feels sorrow when she is in pain. Thank You for the medication that helps ease her pain so that she does not have to suffer long. Give Leslie wisdom in administering the pain meds and in transitioning her to the Tylenol eventually. Thank You for Your healing power that is flowing through little Eliana's body. Thank You that You are going to amaze Leslie again and again with all the positive changes she will see in Eliana in the coming days and weeks. Thank You that Eliana is going to be ravenous for her milk just as soon as she feels better! Thank You that You see the joy You have prepared for this family. And that this "light affliction which is but for a moment (even though to us the "moment" can seem like forever) worketh for [the Nelson family] a far more exceeding weight of glory"!! Amen!"
Love, Anna
Still praying for you all and little Eliana...