Hi Friends,
Wanting to update you a little more on Eliana. She is in a critical period now - and we will know much more about her recovery tomorrow. Please keep praying for her!!!
I have seen God's hand on this day and on so many things that have happened. I will try to write some of that when I'm able to. I appreciate prayers and know that it has paved the way for so many things to go so smoothly for Eliana today.
When I was with her this afternoon, she seemed to be having some difficulty breathing. The nurse told me that she was fighting the tube. She then started to wake up some and then started gagging. They decided to remove the breathing tube and we needed to leave the room.
She looked so much better with the large tube out of her mouth. It was replaced with smaller nasal tubes for oxygen. The nurse put the clear tape on both cheeks - and nothing yet on the hurt places. Please pray for healing for her skin.
She woke up again when we went back to see her. She started crying. A really, really pitiful and weak cry. It hurt my heart to hear her as her voice is very hoarse. I couldn't pick her up which I so wanted to do!!! There are limited places to touch her too. I tried stroking the very top of her head and getting close to her face.
One of the nurses suggested a pacifier. We tried that, without much success. I told them she really prefers her hands (which aren't an option right now). They brought something to dip the paci in to try to help her, but she wasn't all that interested in sucking.
The rounding doctor came by and ordered more pain medicine for her which helped greatly and allowed her to go back to sleep! The dr commented several times on how cute Eliana is. She also said that she would love to hold her - if I didn't mind. I told her that I would love to know she was being held as that is her preferred method of being comforted! She told me that she likes to hold the babies while sitting in a recliner during the night. I told her that I would feel much better about leaving Eliana there during the night without me if I knew that someone was holding and loving on her! (What a sweet praise that this doctor wants to do that!)
I was very blessed to have sweet friends join us today - to talk, laugh and best of all pray! To notice what the details of what was happening and to pray for problems and to praise God for the blessings.
Need to run. I'm home for dinner and then off again to the hospital. I'm planning to come home to sleep tonight.
Thank you so very much for your prayers. Please keep praying for her recovery.
With love,
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago
ReplyDeleteThank you for yet another update.
What a blessing that rounding Dr. is. How special that she (I think you said she?) sits w/ each of her patients and rocks them. It just brings tears to my eyes. It makes me wonder if she isn't a Christian and prays over those precious little babies as she's rocking them.
Eliana and your family are in my constant thoughts and prayers. Keep strong and enjoy dinner w/ your family.
Much love,
I read your story and am very touched. Praying everything can continue to go well with your little girl& God's grace will continue to strenghthen you!
ReplyDeleteRejoicing in all the ways God has shown Himself faithful and showered you with reminders of His loving care!
ReplyDeleteWe love you guys and continue to pray!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful that Eliana has already been extubated! Continued prayers for her recovery. I hope you can get some rest tonight.
Love, Karen
Dear Leslie,
ReplyDeleteThe Smith family continues to rejoice in our Father's care for His precious Eliana... I am SO GLAD you are planning to sleep at home tonight. Your baby is in the best care! You can rest.
BTW you are linked on my blog...
XO and we'll be praying for you and thinking of you from Indiana.
What a blessing for that doctor to want to hold her!
ReplyDeletePraying for rest for you and Roger tonight.