Can it really be that long ago? Where has the time gone? When did my baby become a young man - right before my eyes?!!!
I can remember so clearly the joy of having my first child - a son. Christopher's birth was a little scary as he had the cord around his neck cutting off his oxygen. He was whisked away from me and I heard them reading his apgar numbers from across the room. He got some 0s and 1s for a total of 3. I didn't know enough to be scared and our doctor was so calm. He was kept for hours to monitor his breathing and I was most impatient to have him back. Once I held him, I never wanted to let go. I recall during later years a friend ribbing me about how much I hold my babies. I know though that the time is short when they can be held so you must do it then. I never wanted to look back and regret that I didn't hold my babies more. (Besides I LOVE holding my babies!!!)
Christopher, what joy you have brought to my life. What fullness, laughter and happiness have come with being your Mom!!! I never knew that being a mama would be the intense and amazing experience that it has been. I am so very thankful for you - and for all that I've learned because of you and with you. I could not have asked for a more wonderful introduction to motherhood than I received from you!
From an early age you were bright, inquisitive and interesting. You have always been interested in food - both cooking it and eating it! This interest has grown and matured, but still remains prominent. It's been good for me to learn to experiment more with my cooking and with what I'm willing to eat. I remember seeing you cook for hours in your little pretend kitchen at age 2 and now seeing you many years later concocting and creating in my kitchen. I appreciate your efforts in helping all of us with food and meal prep.
Books became a friend early on too. You loved being read to for hours on end. I have fond memories of many of your favorites from those early years. You especially loved hearing stories about "vehicles" (one of your favorite words) and I would often make up stories at night as you were going to sleep about vehicles. I would name them after you and your friends (ex. Christopher the caterpillar) and you loved those special stories. Your love of reading continues today and now you share titles and stories that you have loved with me! I am thankful that you enjoy exploring so many different topics, interests and times through books.
We enjoyed travelling and going places together too. We started a playgroup when you were two so that we'd have friends and field trips to enjoy with them. We did this weekly and have so many rich memories (and lots of photos too). As you got older, the group changed from a playgroup to a homeschool support group. We've been doing this for over 12 years now! We've been blessed to see and experience so many places together. I have also loved our travels around the state, country and world together. I think it has sparked some of your interest in history. I know it has broadened my horizons and experiences greatly.
I have loved learning about things with you - history, our state, cooking and much more. I am thankful that you have interests and passions to explore. You have brought a richness to my life and our family by sharing what you have discovered and what you are interested in exploring.
I love watching you with your littlest sister. Your tenderness and love toward her melt my heart. I love that you love her and see her as a blessing to our family. I am so thankful that you enjoy babies. I remember how you prayed and prayed for another sibling after Rebecca was a toddler. When Joshua joined our family I remember how you would pull up a chair to sit beside him while he slept and just watch him. I loved that your prayers were answered in such a tangible and delightful way.
I love seeing you play and interact with your siblings. Hearing laughter and shared stories just warms my "mama heart". I pray that your relationships with your family would grow stronger and stronger. I want for you not only to be family but also to be friends.
Christopher you have a beautiful heart that I know God has shaped and molded. You have a tenderness and thoughtfulness that is strong and sweet. I pray that God would continue to shape and mold you into the man that He desires you to be. You are showing fruit of His spirit in you and I pray that this would grow and grow!
Christopher you have been my right hand through so many things. I can't imagine life without you. In fact when I think to the future, I find I just can't go there. I know that you are growing up and I just can't bear to think about a time when you won't be here every day.
Christopher, I love you so very much! My heart is so full with love for you! I thank God every day that He has given you to me as my son. You are the one who made me a Mom. What an amazing gift you were 14 years ago and have continued to be every day since!!! I pray for you daily and love you with all of my heart. I pray that you will always know how very deeply you are loved!!!
With much love,
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago
Leslie, you paint such an eloquent picture of Christopher with your words, that I feel it would be an honor to know him. The two of you truly have something special!
ReplyDeleteGOD's BEST!
Leslie, you paint such an eloquent picture of Christopher with your words, that I feel it would be an honor to know him. The two of you truly have something special!
ReplyDeleteGOD's BEST!
Leslie, you paint such an eloquent picture of Christopher with your words that I feel it would be an honor to know him. The two of you truly have a special relationship!
ReplyDeleteGOD's BEST!