So, we are still waiting to find out how she is doing weight-wise. We are going in on Sat morning at 8am to see our ped. This will get us there before any sick folks. A little early for my liking, but I don't want to be exposed to any crud either.
The snow today was beautiful while it lasted which wasn't very long. It was fun to see the children playing and building a snowman. I wish my dh had been home to play with them in the snow as he is a much more fun Dad with snow than I am! He's back home tonight from being gone at a conference this week and it's wonderful to have him home again.
I'm still pumping and trying to maintain that for a little longer until we have more news on when surgery is likely for Eliana. Still have a low supply and need to spend more time that I'd like to get what I do. I'm hoping to try a couple of new things in the next couple of days to see if there is any improvement.
I appreciate the notes and comments from so many of you. I'm truly humbled that there are people reading my words and praying for my precious daughter and our family. What a privilege to have such precious friends - and strangers who are becoming friends.
Need to go feed my little cutie pie now.
Continuing to pray, dear friend!!