Last Wed, we had a physical therapist here to do an evaluation of Eliana. She was pleased with what she saw and at the moment Eliana is not "behind" in any way. She is trying to lift her head when on her tummy and when being held upright. She gave me some ideas of a few things to do with Eliana, but didn't feel that we needed to start therapy immediately. She was positive and encouraging which was nice.
On Thur we visited with our pediatrician for 2 hours. She is very thorough and concerned not only for Eliana but also for the rest of our family. I feel blessed to have someone that cares for us in this way. Eliana had gained 4 ounces in the last week. We were glad to see that as she had lost weight from week 2 to 3. She weighed 7# 14 oz. That is just 2 ounces above her birth weight. We've been told that we need to fortify her food - both breastmilk and formula - with additional formula to boost the calorie count. So far, her heart is doing fine.
On Fri, we visited Duke for a renal ultrasound. During my prenatal u/s a problem showed up on the size of her kidneys and this was just a follow-up. Unfortunately, the lab tech was not allowed to give us any information and I could tell nothing from looking at the screen. We'll have to wait and get the information from our ped. Eliana slept through the u/s so it was a quick and easy procedure.
After finishing here, I met with the lactation consultant who was working at Duke that day. This is a wonderful gal that has helped me from day 3 with Eliana. She is a great encourager in so many ways! I'm thankful to have had her help. She helped me try a supplemental nursing system with Eliana. It's really the last different thing we can try. She did nurse some - both with and without it that day! It's this that keeps me going on the pumping. I really think that she CAN nurse - once we work past being sleepy and getting proper amounts of milk. Oh, they also tested my milk to see what the calorie content was for it. Normal is 20 calories/ounce and that is what formula is too. Mine tested at 21+!!! I was very encouraged by that. So while I don't have a lot of milk - at least what I do have is good.
Please keep praying for us - for our whole family. This is a big adjustment for all of us. Will type more later, but for now I need to go pump.
With love,
Leslie, it sounds like you are getting a lot of good medical care. I hope that continues. I think of you often. So glad that perhaps Eliana seems to be thinking of nursing more. =) Either way, do what you have to. Take care of you.
I just dropped by to see how you are, friend. I'm so glad to hear that you've had some encouraging reports and that you're feeling the support of those who care about you.
ReplyDeleteKnow that we continue to lift each of you in prayer. May God show you and remind you that His mercies are new every morning; may He strengthen and sustain you and fill you with hope.
Give little Eliana a kiss for me. Much love to all of you ~