We have had a fun and full week and now it's time to play a little catch-up on my blog. :-)
We spent Easter week-end with our dear friends in VA. It's a new tradtion we started after they moved. The kids all look forward to this and really appreciate it and look forward to spending the holiday together! We weren't sure it was going to happen this year due to some sickness. Thankfully all who were sick were well enough by Fri morning and so we decided at the last minute to head up.
The kids spent a lot of time playing outside and just having fun. I didnt' get a lot of pictures, but here are a few.

I loved the group effort in helping Joshua to skate!

Eliana loves playing in sand.

She is not alone in this either as Aaron and Caleb also love the sand!

Some of the kids decorated eggs. First, we blew out the insides. (Not everyone was interested in doing this part of it! Catherine had to do more than her fair share of them. lol )

The kids wrote their names or drew a picture on the eggs with a wax crayon before dipping them in the colors.

They were very pretty, but I didn't take any pictures of the finished product!

We attended a play at their church called The Lamb of God. It was in Spanish. We still understood most of the story, but it would have been helpful to have known more Spanish. I think I knew the most and mine is SUPER rusty! The benefit though of my learning Spanish to do missions work is that I know a lot of words that aren't taught in Spanish 1 or 2 - like sin, miracle, cross, etc.
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Someone took my camera and made some beautiful pictures. I loved this one.

We attended church on Easter Sunday and heard a convicting and encouraging message. Jesus chose just 12 ordinary men - ordinary - just like me and just like you. They falled him and turned away, even after having walked closely with him for three years. Jesus saw not their failures, but all that they could become with the power of His Spirit. This is true for us too. We each have a destiny! We each have access to His power to accomplish His will and purpose in our lives! I love that.

Pretty little girl in her pretty Easter dress.

After church we had a lovely lunch.

Then we did an Easter Egg Hunt. Each child had a different color egg to look for. We thought this might make it easier.

It certainly helped us to be able to choose what each child would get in his or her eggs. They were very excited about the hunt.

This girl was thrilled that there was candy in her eggs!

Joshua's eggs had some candy, but more of them had a variety of snacks (with a piece of paper including the carb counts on them). Thank you Catherine for getting these for him! He loved trying new things and found two new things that he really loved!!! (He wanted three !!! on that sentence. lol )

I'm thankful that he is flexible and willing to do things a little differently. I sometimes hate that we even have to. Others are asked to give up far more though and we have much to be thankful for! (One of the little things I'm thankful for is that there are no more candy holidays or birthdays for a few more months!)
I hope you were able to celebrate our Risen Lord! We do have much to be thankful for indeed. Happy Easter from our family to yours.
