We did activity bags like last year (see earlier post for link to last year's if interested). This was a huge hit last year and our children were excited to do it again this year. We changed things up a little bit - but not too much. We were blessed to share the evening with good friends. What a sweet way to bring in the new year!
Here are the bags at the beginning of the evening.

This year, I stapled the clues to the outside of the bag. We had a theme idea of spies so they had to figure out the clue and then could peek in the bag. Here's our evening.
Clue 1: WHERE
Questions, lots of questions will find you this night.
Answer then correctly and you’ll have fun alright.
Put on your spy hats and ready your mind.
It’s time to go hunting in order to find.
Where are you going? Where is the clue?
Where is the place that you leave your shoe?
Go together slowly and don’t race ahead.
Where you end up depends on where you are led.
*5:30 – In the bag: Noisemaker: 10 paper plates, beans, markers, crayons, craft stick, tape, glue, stapler.
They went on a scavenger hunt. I used one from a Klutz treasure hunt book. These are FaBuLoUs!!! All of the clues are figured out and it even tells you where to hide them. For this scavenger hunt, they had to act out the location of the next clue. When they had finished the hunt, they got the bag and made noisemakers.

Clue 2: WHAT
What is the question that is asked each day?
What is the one Moms don’t want you to say?
What are you wondering and want to ask?
Figure it out to do the next task.
*6:00 - In the bag: pizza crusts, olives, mushrooms
The question that they figured out was "What's for dinner?". They then made their own pizzas for supper. Yum! We had a variety of toppings (pepperoni, sausage, peppers, mushrooms) that they used to decorate the pizzas.

Clue 3: HOW
How would you describe your year?
With laughter, sadness, joy or a tear?
How did you spend your days?
How do you want to change your ways?
7:00 – In the bag: cardstock with questions
We took our time answering questions and then read the answers out loud. We tried to guess who wrote each one and most were pretty easy to figure out. I think this could be a fun keepsake from year to year.

Clue 4: WHY
Why are there sprinkles and frosting and more?
Why is there sugar? What fun is in store?
Why are there things that need decoration?
One that needs to pull into the station.
*8:00 – In the Bag: Makings for cookies – cutters, sprinkles
We decorated gingerbread cookies. They had their choice of a gingerbread train and people. This was a fun and simple activity - much easier than making our own sugar cookies like last year.

Ready to open the bag.

Clue 5: WHO
Who is the star?
Who will make you giggle?
Who still wants a snack?
Do you promise not to wiggle?
*9:00 – In the Bag: Movie – Horton Hears a Who, popcorn
Clue 6: WHEN
When is it my turn?
When will we learn?
When do we pick teams?
Is it as easy as it seems
*11:00 – In the Bag: Chalk for Pictionary, club soda for a fun drink

It's time to say good-bye to '08,
Watching the ball drop will be great!
A hug, a prayer, a sweet drink for the toast,
Happy New Year, it's 2009
*11:45 – In the bag: A scripture for each person to read. shake noise makers, take pictures, cups for bubbly drinks

We enjoyed the beginning of the year and look forward to see all that God has in store for us this year.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23